Wednesday 30 March 2011

Introduction Of Group S 12

We are group S. We have worked together as a group to try to create the opening of a horror film that lasts for roughly 3 minuets. We view ourselves as hardworking and passionate students who have put all their efforts into this project to try to create a fantastic opening sequence. We all have different qualities which help to bring the group together. Carmen is very good at filming as well as planning story boars. She is a very organized person who acts as a natural leader when organizing the group. Ella is also good at filming, she too is a hardworking and organized student who will try her very best to get the group working well. Alex is very good at editing, although he has never been taught how to edit, he has played around with final cut to teach himself how to edit, he is a fast worker and is very particular about the editing as he is so fussy, but it pays off as the editing always looks very effective. And lastly Harry is very good at garageband and drawing up and planning story boards. Harry used garageband to create a song which will play as our credits are rolling. He was also the one who drew up the storyboards which looked very effective.
(Left to right; Harry O'Donnell, Ella Tibbott, Carmen Konstantino, Alex Sadler)

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